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This memorial website was created to remember our dearest 2nd son Kai Bedford who was born in United Kingdom on June 18, 2009 and passed away in his sleep on September 5, 2009. You will live forever in our memories and hearts. We only put you down for a little nap and when we found you the Angels took you away. We love you Sweet Kai.


Love Momma, Dadda and Joseph xxxx 


Sweet dreams littleman


 Mothers day tomorrow sweetheart and you should be here with us all. I love you so much Kai xxx


Quick Gallery
Kai with nanna kai with mommy     Kai with Mommy and Daddy cheeky smile DSC_3971 Our beautiful Angel Joseph and Kai x Kai with grandad Kai with mommy xx Kai with his cheeky little face Kai with Daddy I wish I could see your eyes again, so big and beautiful x Joseph with new brother Jasper Kai with uncle Ash